POSTED ON Wednesday, February 20, 2008 AT 9:16 PM \\
The only thing I can remember about today: BLISTERS! o.o

Hmm, let us talk about Math first.


I'm just being optimistic here. You cry also you won't get to redo the paper right? So, I'll just let it pass.

By the way, I don't think I was being optimistic. It was SARCASM in a kind way ^^

Ming Yeow super funny during D&T and English lessons la! No details provided.. LOL loh..

So happy no YMP today.. So we had training.. Did PT, 10 sets of the jumping thing and don't know how many sets of wheelbarrow.. I think almost everyone's hands got BLISTERS loh! Grr.

Then played 6-on-6.. Went to Lot 1 buy Honey Ice Blended (recommended by Yuan Teng, who has also fixed my specs! Thanks :D).. Went home..


Ni untuk korang ah, kalau korang tahu siapa korang ah.

Aku nak mintak maaf, pasal sekarang aku dah tak rapat sangat dengan korang, mungkin pasal training lain hari.. Aku sekarang dah tak pergi training korang.. Bukannya aku lupakan korang, masa dulu-dulu semua, tapi entahlah.

Tu salah aku ah, maaf.


I really feel like biting off my blisters o.o