POSTED ON Tuesday, February 19, 2008 AT 10:06 PM \\
/ Top post is about today :D
This one's about yesterday :D \

Hohoho! o.o

Just feel like 'hoho'-ing. Yesterday did not use computer as I immediately slept after I had my shower until 1.20am, but I decided not to use computer. I didn't even think of studying Literature.. So yea, woke up as usual.. Studied Literature in the morning, managed to answer the paper, Alhamdulillah. Yesterday's English and Sciences were not bad ah, DO-ABLE :D

After school planned to eat with some classmates (I forgot who) but oh well, I missed Jolie, Hui Yan, Syazana and Allisa so much so I went back to school to eat and train with them :D Ate with them and also with Charis and Amalina.. Amalina went off for Councillor thing so left the 5 of us..

Me and Charis went to the back to, UHH.., CHAT. Then Jolie suddenly ran out and tried to shoot inside the netball hoop, then Hui Yan appeared too. Jolie jumped like some ??? then when she saw us, she paiseh o.o Then continued chatting.. Then saw HIM! Ohmygod! Went crazy la, practically. Then Charis wanted to watch C Boys train in cage, so we went inside. Some boys were playing soccer, so we watch also la.

Chat chat blabla then suddenly **coughs** came in, talked to them, then approached us. Then he said something.. **COUGHS**! We Charis got excited, practically. Super funny la! We were down there saying, "Ohmygod he's coming, he's coming!" then really come. o.o

Then we went out. PLAYED NETBALL using volleyball WITH ALLISA, SYAZANA, JOLIE AND HUI YAN! Black against White. Blinkers one side. Overall score was 5-3 I think. Black won. HAH. Please la! Got one time Jolie got the ball, then I tried to snatch the ball, we were LYING on the ground, and Syazana was practically ON TOP OF ME. And she said that it was nice.


Then got one time our ball, Hui Yan go take then want to throw to Charis then she can't throw far and accidentally threw it to Allisa. o.o! Got another one Charis passed to me but I was running forward and the ball flew into the bushes. o.o!

Funneh. Then Syazana, Allisa, Jolie and Hui Yan were playing water.. Then Allisa demo-ed HER way of gymnastics and ballet. You can imagine. Then Charis had to go home, that time was 3.30. Then we planned to go Teck Whye McDonald's to study Literature, but waited until 4. Vlee said that there was no training. Hah. So we went off! :D

Crapped there, took pictures.. Eat, drink, went to toilet.. Then at 5 Allisa went home, Jolie went home to change, because me, Hui Yan and Syazana going Library, so she's meeting us there.. Went there, never study Literature as Syazana used my book, so went to look for volleyball books.. Quite few la. But I found this small book which was super useful! Happy :D

Syazana was like, eating sweets in the Library.. Jolie joined us soon after, so crapped together and took pictures again. o.o Blabla, Hui Yan went home earlier because she cannot seem to study.. Then at 6.45 the three of us went off, bought Bubble Tea, and photocopied some notes.. Went home!

On the way home, Syazana asked me a question.. And I WON'T TELL WHAT THE QUESTION IS! But relating to the question, I just want to say that we must bond! :'(

Yea, that's all for yesterday. A lot of parts cut short..